The first time we see Jurassic World - an upscale corporate
hellscape complete with chain restaurants and tacky bars (Clevelanders, imagine
Crocker Park with the odd Stegosaur lumbering past Abercrombie) - is in a soaring
pan over with John Williams' iconic clarion score blaring. Is this trenchant irony
or is everyone involved in JURASSIC WORLD (the fourth film in the Jurassic Park
series) just that oblivious to what made its precursor trumpet-worthy?
For a movie that devotes so much of its early runtime to (overly)
pointed conversations about the increasing public demand for sensational
spectacle and ante-upping (ahem) sequels to familiar animals, it's more than a
little disappointing how quickly director Colin Trevorrow's (SAFETY NOT
GUARANTEED) film divests itself of satirical potential in exchange for an
extended, lukewarm nostalgia bath. But at least there are plenty of mindlessly engaging
bath toys
It's only about a quarter hour into the 130-minute film that
genetically engineered super dinosaur Indominus Rex clever-girls its way out of
captivity and into the tourist-filled park, which was constructed on the remains
of John Hammond's original whoopsie-doodle.
This leaves Type-A park operations manager Claire Dearing
(Bryce Dallas Howard) scrambling to recapture the beast while simultaneously
trying to locate her mischievous young nephews, Gray (Ty Simpkins) and Zach (Nick
Robinson), who are tooling around the sauropod fields with naught but VIP
passes and annoying movie kid personalities.
Luckily, Navy vet,
raptor trainer, and Claire's one-time suitor Owen Grady (Chris Pratt) is more than willing get
his Quint on, hunt the monster, and save the kids.
Yup. Raptor trainer. Based on the trailer alone, the usually
level-headed internet really laid into this plot point. But having actually,
you know, seen the movie, listen: this is probably the best executed - and
certainly the most original-to-the-franchise - storyline JURASSIC WORLD has
going for it. (Forget Owen's profession - the real bummer is his general action
hero blandness, especially given the extreme affability and energy of the actor
portraying him.)
Pratt plays Owen as believably invested in his predatory charges, serving
as the surrogate leader of their hunting pack rather than a whip-coiling
showman. The Jurassic Park series is founded upon humanity's fraught
relationship with the natural world - the force we exert in order to thrive
versus the respect we afford in order to survive. Owen and his cartoonishly
aggressive foil, InGen security head Vic Hoskins (Vincent D'Onofrio), make
short work of these themes, wrapping them all in a silly military-industrial complex
story and some pretty rockin' dude/raptor tag-team action.
And, of course, Dinosaurs! Old stalwarts return, and new
beasties arrive. As in the other two sequels, none of the largely computer
generated dino visuals come close to Spielberg's lovingly rendered and constructed originals... but they're no worse than most Summer Blockbusters, save for an
ultra sludgy climactic royal rumble that has all the grand realism of the latest
SyFy mecha-whatever versus spider-horse. (Note: I did see this film in 3-D,
i.e., one more dimension than necessary.)
Despite some goofy b-movie bluster about hidden traits from classified DNA
modification experiments, JURASSIC WORLD's newest neo-prehistoric antagonist -
the Indominus Rex - is more or less your standard John Q Carnivore. Like the
Spinosaurus in JURASSIC PARK III, a lot of energy is invested making this
dinosaur look, like, totally crazier than the other dinosaurs, but in practice,
he's just your solid, workaday killing machine.
I will say: what the pteranodons lack in individual physical scale, they
make up for in sheer swarmability, making their escape and ensuing rampage one of
the film's most gleefully chaotic sequences.
With a fully operational park, a completely fresh set of
characters, and a just-hokey-enough sci-fi premise, JURASSIC WORLD could work...
were it not for its concerted insistence on duplicating the original film,
setpiece after setpiece, in a flurry of clunky homages that quickly turn from
obvious winks into strident, one-eyed plagiarism.
Trevorrow's more blatant nods to the original JURASSIC PARK go down easy: we get Mr. DNA, some Hammond-era architecture, a familiar vehicle,
and even some vintage no-expenses-spared night-vision goggles - All quick beats that don't disrupt the storytelling or co-opt the action.
But a couple young kids trapped in a tour ride as it's
brutally Eskimo kissed by a towering carnivore... two adults drinking in the
majesty and scale of prehistoric life as they commune over an ailing
dinosaur... a fleet-footed foe pursuing a speeding, open vehicle with potential
victims stowed in the back... hell, not to spoil anything, but a heroically
implemented road flare and the palatial visitor's center lobby... each provide
pivotal action sequences.
For this viewer, it became endlessly frustrating to watch
scene after scene revert backwards into ham-fisted tributes to an older, better
film, especially considering that what little social commentary JURASSIC WORLD
had the potential to offer is swiftly undercut by these baser impulses.
JURASSIC WORLD's story contends that humans have such short
attention spans and stingy senses of wonderment that normal old dinosaurs would
get boring after a couple of years, necessitating the creation of monstrous, genetically
engineered super dinosaurs in order to keep the deep-pocketed mouth-breathers
enthralled. JURASSIC WORLD's filmmakers, on the other hand, seem to contend
that humans exhibit such loyalty to formula and fear of new ideas that a truly
original, incisive Jurassic Park sequel would be the true monster. (2 1/2 out of
4 Stars)
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