So what's this Cleveland Movie Blog all about? Well, we're a website dedicated to reviewing the movies playing in Cleveland and the Northeast Ohio region, as well as providing news and information about local filmmakers and movie related events.
We're going to cover the major Hollywood releases like everyone else, but we also feel it's important to focus on the kind of films that play at The Cedar Lee, Cleveland Cinematheque and other specialty theaters in the area. But we're not just a bunch of film snobs. Clevelanders have long embraced horror, sci-fi and exploitation movies. It probably goes back to Ghoulardi in the sixties, but it's continued right through to the present. So expect a fair amount of coverage devoted to “B” movies, even ones that go straight to video.
We don't expect anyone to agree with us all the time. That would be a dull world indeed. All we can do is give honest opinions, and if we're lucky provide our readers with a different way of thinking about the movies they see.
As for who's behind this site, my name is Bob Ignizio, and I'll be more or less running this thing. I'm a freelance writer who used to do movie reviews for The Cleveland Free Times and The Cleveland Scene. I've lived in northeast Ohio all my life, and actually think Cleveland is a pretty good city. The rest of the writers here are all from the area as well.
Feel free to let us now how we're doing either by leaving a comment, or contacting us by email at:
We do accept materials for review, especially from local film makers. Just keep in mind that we will give an honest review. If we think a movie is terrible, we're going to say just that. If we think it's great, we'll say that as well. If that sounds fair, you can send stuff to us at:
The Cleveland Movie Blog
P.O. Box 771021
Lakewood, OH 44107