*Note: This year for our annual 31 Days
of Halloween marathon of horror movie reviews, rather than write
about old favorites, we're focusing on modern horror films that
haven't had a wide theatrical release. So for the entire month of
October, we will be dealing with horror fare that you can find in the
“New Release” section of Netflix or (if you still have one) your
local video store. So instead of nostalgic appreciations and
recommendations, this promises to be more of a “the good, the bad,
and the ugly” kind of affair. Hopefully more good than bad and
ugly, but that remains to be seen.
Review by Bob Ignizio
The quote, “those who do not remember
the past are condemned to repeat it,” is originally attributed to
George Santayana, but anyone who lived through the seventies likely
remembers it due to its association with cult leader Jim Jones. Of
course the question is, how well has Jim Jones and the mass
murder/suicide at Guyana been remembered? There are important lessons
to be learned from this horrific moment in history about the ways
that religion can be used to manipulate people into doing horrible
Director Ti West hasn't forgotten, and
with his latest film THE SACRAMENT,
he does his best to make sure viewers don't forget, either. The story
has been moved to the present, and instead of a Congressman and
family members flying to Guyanna to check up on loved ones and
constituents, it's Vice Magazine reporters Sam (A. J. Bowen) and Jake
(Joe Swanberg) accompanying fashion photographer Patrick (Kentucker
Audley) as he checks up on his sister Caroline (Amy Seimetz).
Caroline is a recovering drug addict who has only good things to say
about Eden Parish, a commune in an unspecified jungle locale, and its
charismatic leader, a Mississipi born preacher who everyone calls
“Father” (Gene Jones). If the commune is so great, though, why
are the reporters greeted by armed guards who seem to be looking for
a reason to pull the trigger?
The film is shot in the found footage
style, but since the folks doing the filming are supposed to be
professional, THE SACREMENT looks professional for the most part, too. Bowen and
Swanberg are likable enough protagonists, but it's Gene Jones as
"Father" who really impresses here. He never goes over the top into
cartoon villainy and you can almost see the appeal he would have to his
followers yourself.
West has impressed me in the past with his filmmaking skill and style
in films like HOUSE OF THE DEVIL
but there was always something about his previous films that didn't
quite do it for me. Not so this time. There's precious little to
complain about with THE SACRAMENT.
The raw story material is so inherently compelling all West has to do
is just let it unfold more or less as it happened, with just enough
tweaking that viewers who do remember the past won't be entirely sure
things will play out exactly as they did in Jonestown. West handles
the material with subtlety and taste, but there's no getting around
that some people will still see this as exploiting a real life
tragedy. It doesn't feel that way to me, but I can respect that
others will feel differently. 3 ½ out of 4 stars.
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