Review by Bob Ignizio
Tom Cruise finds himself reliving the
same day over and over again until he gets it right in – no, not a
remake of GROUNDHOG DAY,
although no doubt one is coming, but rather the sci-fi actioner EDGE
OF TOMORROW. Cruise plays Major
William Cage, a middle aged ad man drafted into military service when
alien invaders called Mimics begin attacking the earth, rapidly
taking over much of Europe. Cage stays out of any real danger by
using his skills to help sell the war to the public.
changes when European forces General Brigham (Brendan Gleeson) orders
him to film an upcoming “D-Day” sort of invasion to be led by war
hero Rita Vrataski (Emily Blunt). Vrataski has given the earth hope
by kicking major alien butt using a mechanized battle suit, now
standard issue for all battle forces, along the way picking up the
nickname “The Angel of Verdun” (although her fellow grunts prefer
to call her, with affection, “Full Metal Bitch”).
tries to dodge his duties and winds up labeled a deserter for his
troubles. He gets assigned to a rag tab multi-ethnic unit (what other
kind would they be?) known as J-Squad and, despite not even knowing
how to use his guns, gets thrown into battle. Cage eventually figures
out how to shoot, and even takes out one of the aliens. Unfortunately
the creature's caustic blood drips on Cage's face, killing him.
then he wakes up and gets to do it all again.
out the alien Cage killed was a special one able to rewind time, and
being covered in its blood gives Cage the same abilities. Just go
with it. Anyway, Cage keeps going through the day and dying, learning
a little more each time. Eventually he meets up with Vrataski and
learns she had the same ability, but lost it. He also learns that
unless the two of them can find the super alien controlling all the
rest and kill it, nothing anyone does will prevent the earth forces
assault from ending in massacre.
is perfectly cast as an unlikeable coward who slowly grows into a
hero we can root for, in a way playing off a public persona still
tainted by the Oprah incident and other irrelevant tabloid nonsense.
Even though this is Cruise's film, Blunt is given a character that
actually matters to the story and makes for an imposing presence as
the battle hardened veteran who has to whip Cruise into shape. The
romance angle between the two feels a bit forced and lacking in
chemistry, but thankfully the film seems to know this and doesn't
spend much time with it. And of course the men and woman of J-Squad
are nothing more than standard issue war movie types, but that's what
you need in a movie like this.
from a Japanese YA novel (they evidently call them “light novels”
went through multiple screenwriters both before and after reaching
the able hands of director Doug Liman (SWINGERS,
Despite all the cooks in the kitchen, the film feels cohesive and
flows smoothly, striking a nice balance between tense action and a
surprising amount of humor. While one would hesitate to call EDGE
“smart”, it at least treats its viewers like grown ups who are
willing to suspend disbelief as long as they don't have to totally
“shut off their brains”, and accept some familiar concepts
provided the filmmakers freshen them up enough to keep things
interesting. Not bad for summer popcorn fare. 3 out of 4 stars.
Nice blog. I really enjoyed "The Edge of Tomorrow".