opens in Cleveland on Friday May 2nd exclusively at Tower City
by Bob Ignizio
Parking cop Michael (Ryan Hansen) is
the sort of minor authority figure who takes genuine pleasure in
exerting what small power he has upon the rest of the world. Both
while on and off the clock, Michael feels compelled to share his
every move and mood via a constant stream of photo uploads and status
updates to his 400+ facebook friends.
In real life, the number of actual
friends Michael has is considerably lower. Even his fellow parking
cops don't like him, and Joel (Zach MacGowan), the guy Michael
considers his best friend, has just essentially dumped him for the
slightly less obnoxious Kev (Ian Michaels). On the same day that he
loses his best friend, Michael also loses his job for posting a
picture of one of the cars he ticketed on facebook that shows the
license plate, considered under workplace rules to be an invasion of
privacy issue.
Without his besty to lend emotional
support, Michael winds up commiserating with the socially awkward
Emile (James Immekus), a fellow employee who also got canned. Given
Michael's limited interests, the conversation inevitably turns to
social media. Emile doesn't much care for it it, and he wonders aloud
just how many of Michael's facebook friends are friends in the true
sense of the word. This is the premise that FRIENDED TO DEATH
hinges upon, and it gets put to the test when Michael decides to fake
his death online to see how many of his “friends” actually show
concern. From here on, the film is a textbook escalation comedy as
the deception gets bigger and more difficult to maintain, especially
with a mysterious blonde woman (Sarah Smick) threatening to expose
Michael's lie.
FRIENDED TO DEATH director/co-writer/supporting
actress Sarah Smick has crafted a smart and funny film that lacks the
overly polished, homogenized feel of so many modern Hollywood
comedies, nor is it infested with the snarky, hipper-than-thou
attitude that has become de rigueur for indie comedies. Smick's
direction may not be particularly flashy, but it's solid meat and
potatoes filmmaking with impeccable comic timing. It's commentary on
the sometimes less than healthy effects of social media are pretty
much on the money. That said, it's appreciated that the film doesn't
just beat that one idea into the ground, instead drawing much of its
humor from the characters themselves. And while the film was made on
a low to mid budget (by Hollywood standards, anyway), production
values are solid and the film never looks or feels cheap.
also a very good cast here comprised of veteran performers with
numerous TV and smaller film roles to their credit. They
do a great job of bringing to life characters who are almost all
unlikeable without ever making the overall film feel unpleasant. You
even kind of start to root for Michael, maybe not to succeed in his
scheme, but to at least come through it all having learned a lesson
and turned his life around.
may not quite hit the level of comedy classic, but the lack of studio
interference combined with the talent and passion of the filmmakers
results in a well made and genuinely funny film that would almost
surely have been compromised had it been made with a bigger budget
and bigger stars. 3 out of 4 stars.
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