[GLORIA opens in Cleveland on Friday February 14th exclusively at the Cedar Lee Theatre.]
Review by Pamela Zoslov
Gloria, the eponymous fiftyish divorcée who is the subject of
GLORIA, is a rare thing in the movies — a free-spirited
older woman confident in her sexuality. And the film, which was
Chile's entry in the Academy Awards this year, is unabashed, and
unusually explicit, in its portrayal of sex between older people.
The film is less plot-driven than a character study, in which the
camera rarely leaves the face of Gloria (Pauline Garcia), an
attractive Santiago woman whose oversized glasses confer a strange
resemblance to Dustin Hoffman's Tootsie. Ten years divorced, Gloria
has two adult children and a baby grandson. She has a lust for life,
as well as sex, and is game for anything new, whether it's bungee
jumping or paintball battles. She loves music and dancing, singing
along to pop songs on her car radio and attending dances at a
singles' club, where one night she meets Rodolfo (Sergio Hernandez
). There's an immediate attraction, and they begin a passionate
Unfortunately, Rodolfo, who is recently divorced, hasn't been able
to untie himself from his ridiculously dependent adult daughters. He is
constantly fielding their phone calls and rushing to their aid.
Although Rodolfo professes his love and passion for Gloria, he has a
disturbing habit of walking out, once during a dinner with Gloria's
ex-husband, son and daughter, and again during a vacation at a casino
Gloria's life in her apartment is plagued by the demented ravings of her
disturbed upstairs neighbor and the intrusion of his ghastly hairless
cat, which keeps entering her apartment (how the cat gets in is never
explained). One night, the crazy neighbor drops a packet of marijuana
outside her door, and pretty soon Gloria is regularly smoking joints.
We accompany Gloria in her daily activities: working at her job,
driving her daughter to the airport, visiting the eye doctor, who
tells her she has glaucoma. None of these quotidian activities has
any apparent narrative significance, except to say, “This is
Ms. Garcia is an appealing heroine, but director and
co-screenwriter Sebastian Lelio relies too much on her charisma to
carry the film. There are some warm and amusing scenes, but the
script reveals little about Gloria's motivations; long dialogue-free
stretches require the viewer to fill in the blanks. Why, for example,
after henpecked Rodolfo has walked out on her family dinner, does
Gloria agree to date him again? Garcia's expressive, naturalistic
acting, which gives the film what charm it has, is deserving of a
sturdier vehicle. 2 3/4 out of 4 stars.
I know I'm probably not the target audience for this movie but after seeing the trailer a couple times at the Cedar Lee, it looks like a good film.