[KING: A FILMED RECORD...MONTGOMERY TO MEMPHIS screens Sunday January 19th at 7:15 pm at the Cleveland Cinematheque.]
Review by Charles Cassady, Jr.
Review by Charles Cassady, Jr.
happened to be reading a 1998 Newsweek article (remember when Newsweek was an
actual magazine, on paper?) about the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King's final
years. There I found a revelation I didn't know. It seems that King helped
campaign in Cleveland for Carl Stokes' ultimately historic run for mayor of
Cleveland. During the Stokes victory celebration, Dr. King was in a hotel room
here, expecting to get a call inviting him to attend. The call never came.
spin on this went thus: Dr. King was becoming an increasingly marginal figure
in the civil-rights movement, arguably because of the success he and his heroic
fellow marchers had in overcoming American racism. Empowered black leaders such
as Stokes, `keeping their eyes on the prize,' no longer needed the benediction
of an MLK, or a JFK, or an RFK, or a WEB DuBois, or anybody, to have access and
equality they should have been getting all long. Thus, King was not invited to
the party, and it was actually a positive sign of the changing times for Afro-Americans.
course, there’s another: Clevelanders are just SOB ingrates.
See, if
other journos were as succinct and to the point as I am, Newsweek might still
afford to be published on real paper. Of course, it would only be a few pages
long. But so is The Plain Dealer nowadays.
pleased to see that the Cleveland Cinematheque is at least giving Martin Luther
King his due with a revival of an Oscar nominee in the Best Documentary Feature
category from 1970. KING: A FILMED RECORD…MONTGOMERY TO MEMPHIS, co-credited to
Sidney Lumet, is a chronological compilation of epochal news footage and audio
recordings about Dr. King’s activist life and martyrdom, presented sans outside
commentary (except a poetic intro by Harry Belafonte) that traces the ascent of
the civil-rights leader.
effect is practically biblical as the well-known story comes to life, with
early sit-ins at restricted restaurants (“Kruschev could eat in this
restaurant. Why not an American Negro?”) leading up to the march on Washington
and the "I have a dream..." speech as a dramatic high point. What
strikes the modern viewer is Dr. King's philosophy of non-violent resistance at
work on the front lines - easy to talk up, but requiring great courage and
grace to apply in practice. It’s hard to imagine activists in subsequent
generations, or ANY generations, for that matter, going through these rounds of
escalating violence and intimidation by screaming bigots, KKK and cops with
riot hoses and dogs, and not responding with equal rage. The sense of King's
achievements is as mighty as his loss is devastating. It’s important to note
how fresh the wounds were when this was made.
I am
given to understand that the Cinematheque has snagged a “restored” version of
the documentary, with an amped-up running time, fully an hour and quarter
longer than the version circulated on home-video. Wonder if there’s a scene,
after MLK’s funeral, when someone from Cleveland tries to serve Coretta Scott
King with a due bill for the hotel room, because Dr. King loitered in there
longer than he thought he would. Just wondering… (3 ¼ out of 4 stars)
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