HOMEFRONT, adapted by Sylvestor Stallone from Chuck Logan’s
novel of the same name, and directed by Gary Fleder (THE EXPRESS), is about as
tactlessly artless a film as I’ve seen. Convoluted, self-serious, maudlin and,
worst of all, boring, the movie serves up scene after scene of inanimate meat
slab Jason Statham amid a colorless broth of logy contemporary pop culture
standbys including motorcycle gangs, meth cooking, and home invasion.
Statham plays Phil Broker, a former DEA agent who, after
busting a meth-dealing biker gang and losing his wife to cancer (the biker gang
of medical ailments) moves with his daughter to a small Southern town where he
aims to nuzzle down into domestic torpor. It isn’t long, however, before nutty local
meth chef Gator Bodine (James Franco), discovers Broker’s past. With the
help of hooker-with-a-brain-of-cordwood Sheryl Gott (Winona Ryder), Bodine hatches a
nefarious plan to secure statewide distribution for his product while
eliminating Broker. Hint: the plan involves that biker gang from the beginning.
Somewhere in HOMEFRONT there’s the perfectly salvageable first
draft of an Elmore Leonard novel that never was. Between Gott’s nasal drawl and
micro-skirts, Bodine’s Ruffle-chomping devilishness, and the crayon-dumb
brutality of The Outcasts (laziest name for a motorcycle gang ever), the movie
could have easily shot for the white trash neo-noir criminal debauchery of a
flick like KILLER JOE.
Instead, it lingers interminably on Broker. He’s what you
get when you cross the World’s Best Dad of coffee mug infamy with G.I. Joe and
a pot roast, all crammed into an undershirt and perpetually awoken on the wrong side of the bed. One of
HOMEFRONT’s biggest problems is that, rather than make Franco’s smirking Gator
Bodine into a villainous caricature worthy of playing foil to Statham’s
gun-show-ticket-distributing justice steak, it opts to overstuff its half-cocked underworld with
henchmen, bikers, tweakers, crooked cops and Ryder’s intolerable “meth whore,”
many of whom have competing agendas and none of whom are particularly
compelling or smart.
Franco at least looks like he’s having a good time,
swaggering through his scenes with a self-aware twinkle in his eye. Ryder, on
the hand, is depressingly mediocre. Perhaps it’s because I still harbor some ill-begotten adolescent
crush on the once-ubiquitous pixie-punk, but I found her overwrought southern
drawl intolerable, her forceful effort at trashiness all too transparent.
Jason Statham, meanwhile, is simply an innocent bystander of
ludicrously bad casting. His macho visage glaring across the poster rightfully
signals a brutish, fun, knuckle-dragging actioner - PANIC ROOM by way of THE
TRANSPORTER, or maybe even Roland Emmerich’s HOME ALONE. Sadly, for a holiday blockbuster written by an action star, HOMEFRONT has very little action.
Most of Statham’s
time is wasted between scenes of teeth-gritted, monosyllabic trash talk and a completely
sidelined romance with a school guidance counselor, not to mention one too many
sunbeam-kissed father-daughter horseback rides that look like they were shot on
location in Happy Gilmore’s happy place.
The latter demonstrates one half of Fleder’s less-than-subtle
directing technique: film the good guy amidst verdant shrubbery and exultant
spears of golden light. The bad guys? They get ramshackle hovels decaying
through a wash of sickly greens and browns.
The whole movie limps along like this, playing Broker’s
overwrought yen for serenity and domestic quiet against his hillbilly antagonists' selfish will
to crime and destruction. It’s a grand conflict that is intended, I think, to stir up
genuine feelings, but only succeeds in wailing tunelessly at the heartstrings
and playing grade school dress-up with our emotions.
It could be that my expectations for HOMEFRONT were just too
low. Here all I wanted was Statham and Franco catting and mousing through a flaming,
bloody cinematic wreck of sweat, knuckles, banter and guns. Instead, I got a
film that was hellbent on telling a story. A dumb, confusing story. (1 out of 4
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