Later NRA
figurehead Charlton Heston, a guy able to do larger-than-life with no problem
who practically became synonymous with oversized, super-sized and
cutting-edge-of-widescreen narratives (lessee, THE TEN COMMANDMENTS, THE AGONY
EARTHQUAKE…sorry, liberals, the guy rocked) stars here. In war-torn
11th-century Spain, stalwart warrior-knight Rodrigo (Heston)
runs afoul of the royal family again and again because of his inflexible
Christian-based ethics and nobility.
He captures
Islamic Moorish princes raiding Christian towns and, instead of handing them
over for ignoble execution, frees them, earning the Muslims' respect and
loyalty. Rodrigo suspects the new King Alfonso contrived the assassination of
his brother over the throne, and is exiled as a result.
Rodrigo even slays the father of his bride (Sophia Loren) in a duel over honor, casting a
shadow over their marriage. It’s said that Heston and the sultry Italian screen
siren did not get along well at all on the sight, and the discomfort spills
into their tense scenes together, in a good way. .
Rodrigo's growing
reputation in exile as `El Cid,' a wise leader, wins him an army of followers,
and attracts his old Moor friends to his side, in defense of Spain against a
new threat, a barbarously crazed Arab conqueror Ben Yussef (Herbert Lom)
sweeping in from Africa killing people left and right.
Rodrigo is no
friend of arrogant and contentious King Alfonso and is implored to overthrow
the scoundrel and crown himself king. Yet the righteous El Cid, for the greater
good, places himself in the service of the royal heir and sacrifices himself
for Spain in final battle against Ben Yussef, a bizarre denouement that will
sate those of you who like their history-geography lessons served with a few
pages of Ripley’s Believe-It-Or-Not, as I did.
The battle scenes
featured thousands of extras on loan from infamous fascist Generalissimo
Francisco Franco's army. It’s impressive indeed to know these guys are
definitely not CGI, and the effect is rousing and the costumes and
pageantry is sumptuous, EL CID's stately pace does get rather long (the film
was shown originally with an intermission) and the castle skullduggery a little
tedious. Still, in terms of a faith-based, upstanding hero
placed in impossible situations, Rodrigo is as strong a role model as they come
(unless you count the parts when he kills people over "honor").
The second half
of the film has him urged to usurp an obviously unworthy monarch in a time of
crisis, or stay loyal to the Crown, no matter the weasel wearing it. One could
relate that in modern terms, to the idea of supporting an unpopular and
wrongheaded president or leader in a crisis on the principle of respect for the Oval
Office. One wonders why Heston in real life didn’t work harder to put that
message across when a Jimmy Carter or Bill Clinton or even – horrors! a Barack
Obama was under fire from media-hogging conservatives. Or maybe, with this film,
Heston had felt he’d done it.
(Or maybe he was
just another pretentious Hollywood phony like most all thespians, not living by or possibly even comprehending the rich lines he recited. I would hope not, though)
And it doesn't
hurt the drama's 21st-century relevance that Islamic-fundamentalist Ben Yussef
looks just like the Taliban. The message that there are good Muslims as well as
bad Muslims (and lousy Christians as well as upright ones). See EL CID on the
big screen if you can, as an entertainment, and think about it if you can do that
too. Oh, it's an election year; what are the chances? (3 ¼ out of 4 stars)
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