Review by Charles Cassady, Jr.

Still hard to believe that
Robin Williams is dead. His face still surfaces in my archives, in ways most
ironic and eerie – such as a 1998 Newsweek cover on mental health asking
“Are We All Crazy?” That crossed my path recently, and I’m sure it’s not the
most starting resurfacing most of our readers have beheld.
Not long afterwards, it fell
to me to review the final film in which Williams starred before his shocking
suicide, and no, it wasn’t one of those NIGHT AT THE MUSEUM sequels. In
fact, even if Williams still were alive and well, it might have gone straight to
video - with the exception of a likely token playdate at the Cleveland
International Film Festival, under its gay-specialty content sub-category. Yes,
one of those. Well, Williams did star, to great acclaim, in the mainstream
queer-acceptance comedy THE BIRDCAGE. But this non-singing swan swan, BOULEVARD,
directed by Dito Montiel, is no laughing matter.
Williams plays Nolan, a
60-year-old banker whose mild exterior and long, childless marriage to companionable
spouse Joy (Kathy Baker) masks resentment over an unfulfilled existence. With
the impending death of his father, insensible in a nursing home, Nolan seems to
be in an especially sensitive state, even though his routine-bound exterior is
so rigid that the character even resents the disruption posed by getting a
major promotion and a raise at work. (Promotions? Raises? Work?
Anybody remember those? I hear they used to be rather plentiful around here,
After approving a home loan
for a gay couple, Nolan impulsively drives through the town's red-light
district and picks up a callow young hustler named Leo (Roberto Aguire). Oh,
local-interest alert: Leo claims to be from Dayton. (BOULEVARD was
filmed in Tennessee, FYI). Setting Leo up in a private love nest, Nolan begins
a non-explicit affair with kid, an indulgence that can only lead - perhaps
intentionally - to an unraveling/meltdown of Nolan's marriage and fairly
colorless personal and professional life.
A promotion at work? Being
stuck with Kathy Baker? Man, give me some of that colorless personal and
professional life; you suddenly empowered LGBT types can keep your
rainbow-colored flags and your fab-u-lous Volkswagens. Viewers familiar with
the ups and downs and amazing tangents and dark corners of Robin Williams’
career might consider Montiel's film an interesting career bookend to the
thematically similar 1986 Saul Bellow adaptation SEIZE THE DAY wherein
Williams played a midlife-crisis casualty and proved his gift for solid, non-comedic
characterizations. I’ve not seen SEIZE THE DAY; not many people did,
despite critical raves. And, timing being everything, if BOULEVARD had
come out (interesting choice of words) in 1986, it might have won the actors
and director raves for their courage in confronting the touchy subject.
But, alas, times change, and
for most onlookers today BOULEVARD, though expertly wrought by Williams
& Co., is rather old news, dramatically speaking. In archives it rates as
primarily a low-key footnote to Robin Williams’ career, given added melancholy
gravitas by the fact that it arrived posthumously. (2 1/4 out of 4 stars)
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