[WHILE WE'RE YOUNG opens in Akron on Friday May 15th at the Nightlight Cinema.]
Review by Pamela Zoslov
Review by Pamela Zoslov
“I always viewed life as material for
a movie,” Noah Baumbach once said, and having mined his own life
for such films as his precocious debut, KICKING AND SCREAMING, and his breakthrough, THE SQUID AND THE WHALE, the 45-year-old writer and director
now addresses the experience of middle age with WHILE WE'RE YOUNG, a
comedy starring Ben Stiller and Naomi Watts.
Baumbach, the son of a novelist and a
film critic, has described the pressure he felt growing up to read
the “right” books — Ford Madox Ford's The Good Soldier
rather than beach reading. His films have reflected a drive toward
artiness -- black-and-white Truffaut-manqué (FRANCES HA);
irritating, hard-to-embrace characters (GREENBERG, MARGOT AT THE WEDDING). With the new film, Baumbach sheds the pretensions.
With a story reminiscent of his childhood idol, Woody Allen, it is
Baumbach's most mature, accessible and entertaining film to date.
alter ego here is Josh (Ben
Stiller), a documentary filmmaker in his mid-40s who is married to
Cornelia (Naomi Watts), a film producer. Cornelia works for her father,
an acclaimed documentarian named Leslie Breitbart (Charles Grodin), who
is Josh's
and Cornelia are a hip couple, and happily childless until
confronted with the arrival of their best friends' newborn, which
turns their friends into baby-obsessed bores. After an evening
clumsily dandling the baby, Cornelia asks Josh, “You don't want
kids, right?” “I like our life as it is,” Josh protests, a bit too
vehemently. Neither of their lives have shaped up the way they'd
planned. Josh has been working on the same documentary for ten years,
a profile of a pedantic old intellectual (shades of Woody Allen's CRIMES AND MISDEMEANORS), while he awaits grant money to complete it. Cornelia's career is linked inextricably with her dad's.
Their lives are further disrupted when
they meet Jamie and Darby (Adam Driver and Amanda Seyfried), a
married millennial couple. Jamie is an aspiring documentary maker,
and Darby makes and sells ice cream. Their lifestyle and pursuits are
amusingly contrasted with Josh and Cornelia's. The younger couple are
all about DIY. He rides a bike everywhere and builds his own
furniture. They upcycle. They keep chickens. They watch VHS tapes and
listen to LPs. When the urge arises to know some factoid, rather than
reaching for their smartphones, Jamie suggests, with Zen-like wisdom,
“Let's just not know what it is.”
Josh is enamored of the 25-year-olds
(“I like how engaged they are in everything!”), Cornelia a bit
less so, though she's relieved to at least find a girlfriend who
doesn't have a baby. In one scene, Cornelia, who has had two
miscarriages, tags along along with her friends and their infants to
a hellish “Mommy and Me” sing-along, from which she runs away in
The friendship leads the older couple
down unusual paths. Josh starts wearing a “hipster” porkpie hat.
They participate in a ritual that involves taking hallucinogens,
complete with a shaman and a puke bucket. (for “purging dark
energies”). Josh and Cornelia's old friends drop them, and their
marriage is strained. Cornelia flirts with Jamie, Josh with
Josh, who was initially flattered to be
asked to help Jamie film his documentary, begins to suspect the
younger man has lied to him. He now
sees the younger couple not as exciting newbies but “entitled
little brats.” He is outmaneuvered by the ambitious and
unprincipled Jamie, who is poised to attain the success that has eluded Josh.
The climactic confrontation scene is beautifully played; Josh
denounces his protege and realizes, suddenly, that his argument is
flawed: in the age of CATFISH, no one cares if a documentary
fudges the facts. Stiller is particularly adept at portraying this mix
of rage and embarrassment.
This is a movie more about men than
women. Cornelia, for instance, is little more than a satellite of her
father and husband, and it's a little hard to believe Darby
manufactures commercial ice cream (where does she make it, in
her little kitchen?) It also would have been nice if, after
establishing that motherhood isn't the answer for all women, the
movie movie didn't backpedal on that idea in the end. Still, this is a
very enjoyable film. Baumbach's writing and direction are brisk and
breezy. He deploys a sharp comic awareness of what it means to be in
your 40s, when you feel young but the world tells you you're old. A
particularly funny scene has Josh balking at his doctor's diagnosis
of arthritis in his knee. “At my age, 44?” It must be, he
protests, some non-traditional kind of arthritis. “No,” the
doctor replies. “Just arthritis.”4 out of 4 stars.
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