Monday, April 20, 2015

The Cedar Lee Theatre Turns Terrible for a Night

[Press release from Cleveland Cinemas.]
The Cedar Lee Theatre (2163 Lee Rd., Cleveland Hts.) is usually known for showing the best reviewed and most acclaimed films from around the world but for one night, this nationally known art house cinema will embrace movies from the wrong side of the tracks. On Saturday, May 2nd the Cedar Lee Theatre will host its first annual 12 HOURS OF TERRIBLE marathon from 6:00 PM to 6:00 AM featuring a line-up of seven films that are so bad they cross a mystical line and become wildly entertaining.
This year’s 12 HOURS OF TERRIBLE will challenge those brave enough to attend to sit through the following cinematic missteps:

OVER THE TOP - This is truly the best arm-wrestling truck driver movie ever made. It’s also the worst. Stars Sylvester Stalone.
MIAMI CONNECTION - It’s up to a local bar band to stop some drug dealers in this music-filled lost gem from the ‘80s. Stars no one.
PLAN 9 FROM OUTER SPACE - Ed Wood’s classic about aliens resurrecting the dead is the Citizen Kane of bad movies. Stars Bela Lugosi (sort of).
DRIVE ANGRY 3D - By law, we are required to include a Nicolas Cage film in this marathon. We are not only in compliance but our Cage is in 3D!
THE BABY - Interested in stunting your baby’s development? Cattle prods will do it. Stars Ruth
Roman who says “bitch” better than anyone, ever.
THE HAPPENING – M. Night Shyamalan’s would-be thriller about plants getting revenge on mankind. Terrible in the best laugh-out-loud way. Stars Mark Wahlberg & Zooey Deschanel.
MASTERS OF THE UNIVERSE - He-Man battles Skeletor.... in 1987 Los Angeles!  Stars Dolph
Lundgren and Frank Langella.
“I always say that a bad movie can be just as entertaining as a good movie, as long as it’s the right kind of bad movie,” says Dave Huffman, Cleveland Cinemas Director of Marketing and Late Shift series programmer. “Our annual horror marathon the 12 Hours of Terror at the Capitol Theatre, leaves people on the edges of their seats. The 12 Hours of Terrible should have them rolling in the aisles.”
Tickets for 12 HOURS OF TERRIBLE are $25 in advance and $30 day of show. Audience members who make it through the entire night will receive $5 back at the end of the marathon as our way of saying we’re sorry. No one under 18 will be admitted.  Tickets are available at the Cedar Lee Theatre box office and
12 HOURS OF TERRIBLE is sponsored by Cleveland Cinemas, Melt Bar & Grilled, Scene and The Alan Cox Show.

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