*Note: This year
for our annual 31 Days of Halloween marathon of horror movie reviews,
rather than write about old favorites, we're focusing on modern
horror films that haven't had a wide theatrical release. So for the
entire month of October, we will be dealing with horror fare that you
can find in the “New Release” section of Netflix or (if you still
have one) your local video store. So instead of nostalgic
appreciations and recommendations, this promises to be more of a “the
good, the bad, and the ugly” kind of affair. Hopefully more good
than bad and ugly, but that remains to be seen.
Review by Bob
You can tell just by looking at it that
ODD THOMAS had ambitions for
the big screen. Based on a novel by best selling author Dean R.
Koontz and directed by Stephen Sommers (THE MUMMY
this is no low budget quickie. The stars aren't huge, but Anton
Yelchin (as the titular hero) and Willem Dafoe (as police chief Wyatt
Porter) aren't exactly unknowns, either. Apparently there was some
behind the scenes conflict among various parties involved in the
financing, though, and that may well be what sent this one straight
to the purgatory of Netflix Instant and the handful of video stores
still in existence.
again, it might be that the movie just feels kind of off. ODD
THOMAS seems to be going for an
eighties kind of vibe (and if anyone remakes or reboots the BACK
TO THE FUTURE films, Yelchin is
the guy to call). It more or less succeeds in that respect thanks to
Sommers' direction, but Sommers the writer really should have let
someone else take a pass at dialogue. Movie dialogue certainly
doesn't have to sound like real life conversations to be good, but
here nearly every sentence uttered by nearly every character comes
off as awkward, clunky, and overly thought out. Push that aside,
though, and the movie is kind of fun.
(that's his actual birth name) has the ability to see dead people, at
least the ones who still have unfinished business on earth. That
often means murder victims, and when Odd comes across a soul in need,
he considers it his duty to use his gifts to track down their killer.
He also can see creatures called bodachs. Invisible to almost
everyone else, these nasties feast on human misery, and tend to
gather in large numbers just before particularly ugly tragedies take
place. And recently, the bodachs are gathering in really, really
large numbers right in Odd's home town.
what we have here is a movie that lands somewhere in the vicinity of
with an obvious nod to THE SIXTH SENSE
for good measure. Other influences and antecedents include Sam
films and comic books like Dylan Dog and Baltimore. It's trash, but
it's fun trash, and despite its low budget ($27 million may not seem
like a small sum to you or I, but in Hollywood...) it's a slick,
polished piece of product.
It's hard to say if it would have clicked
with audiences if it had been given a big screen release. My guess is
probably not. As a rental/stream for horror or cult fans looking for
something fun but not too cheap or cheesy, though, it should do just
fine. 2 ½ out of 4 stars.
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