screens Saturday September 6th at 9:45 pm and Sunday September 7th at
4:15 pm at the Cleveland Cinematheque.]
Review by Bob Ignizio
As anyone who ever saw THE BOYS FROM
HITLER'S BRAIN can tell you,
after World War II a number of high ranking Nazis found sanctuary in
South America. The part where they cloned the Fuhrer and/or kept his
brain alive in a jar might be suspect, but there's no getting around
the fact that Argentina in particular was willing to take in even the
most heinous Nazi war criminals. Case in point, Dr. Josef Mengela,
aka “The Angel of Death”, who was known for conducting
unconscionable experiments upon prisoners at the German concentration
camp at Auschwitz.
it's 1960 and Mengele
(Àlex Brendemühl) is recently arrived in Argentina. While trying to
find his safe house he asks directions from a German/Argentine family
who happen to be going the same way. Patriarch Enzo (Diego Peretti)
offers to let the Doctor follow him, but before they get very far a
rainstorm forces everyone to take shelter in a barn. While there,
twelve year old Lilith (Florencia Bado) quickly takes an interest in
the Doctor, and vice versa. The next day it becomes clear that the
hotel Lilith's family will be taking over is quite close to the house
Mengele is staying at. Finding accommodations at the hotel more to
his liking, the bad Doctor decides to stay there instead.
While her family
works to get the hotel up and running, Lilith starts school at an
all-German academy. The other students there treat her badly, making
fun of her for her short stature. This is something the Doctor claims
he can help with, convincing Lili's mother Eva (Natalia Oreiro) to
subject the girl to highly dubious treatments. Mengele is also very
interested in Eva's pregnancy: she is expecting twins, and as anyone
familiar with Mengele's interest in twins knows, that was an area of
particularly unhealthy interest of his.
Lucía Puenzo, who also wrote the novel it's based on, builds tension
and suspense in an almost Hitchcockian fashion. The resulting film is
accessible in a classic Hollywood kind of way, and unless you're the
kind of person who simply refuses to watch movies with subtitles it's
hard not to get pulled in. The cast is top notch, too, with Brendemühl especially doing a good job at conveying both menace and something that at least seems like kindness towards his young admirer, a characteristic many noted about Mengele in real life. Which makes it all the more frustrating
just kind of fizzles out at the end.
Puenzo isn't rewriting history ala Quentin Tarantino's INGLORIOUS
BASTERDS, it's not like one
could expect Mengele to get his comeuppance. In real life, all
indications are that he never really did. But given that the film
sets up an expectation of some kind of dramatic resolution more in
tune with a thriller, it seems a misstep not to offer something more
exciting and satisfying than the conclusion we get. Then again, maybe
that's the point. Certainly those who wanted the real life Mengele to
face trial for his crimes weren't satisfied, either.
The film is also a
coming of age story for Lili, and in that respect proves more
successful. It's easy to relate to the awkward young girl latching on
to the seemingly kind Doctor. But where Puenzo's main interest seems
to lie is in using Lili as a metaphor for Argentina itself, a way to
try and make sense of how how her home country could have given
sanctuary to monsters like Mengele, and the effects doing so had on
the soul of the country. That's all interesting stuff worthy of being
addressed in a film, but it doesn't change the fact that audiences
will likely be left wanting when the end credits roll. 2 ½ out of 4
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