Kwait states “The popularity of our December 2013 screening of MANIAC (1934) has prompted us to dig deep into our vaults and unearth more exploitation classics. The so-called "educational" aspects of these films allowed the depiction of taboo subjects that were prohibited by The Motion Picture Code. Watching these films today is a real hoot! They are best enjoyed as a group activity, primed by liquor, etc. Come on down and have a blast!” Admission is free!!!!
All Films Will Start at 8:00 PM
Enter at the Café located on the corner of East 156th Street and Waterloo
Hosted by Todd Kwait and Robert Banks of Independent Pictures. Full schedule follows after the break.
1. Friday, March 7, 2014 - MARIHUANA (1936) 60 Minutes. Directed by Dwain Esper
(public domain)
A young teenage girl ends up at a pot smoking party, goes skinny dipping and ends up pregnant. Her drug smuggling boyfriend is killed, she ends up a heroin addict and ends up kidnapping her own child that she had previously put up for adoption. You think that you have problems!
2. Friday, April 4, 2014
THE COCAINE FIENDS (1936) 60 Minutes. Directed by William A. O'Conner
(public domain)
A small town girl is offered "headache powder" which turns out to be cocaine. The moral of the story, do not sniff white powder.
3. Friday, May 2, 2014
SEX MADNESS (1938) 60 Minutes. Directed by Dwain Esper
(public domain)
A "concerned citizen" complains about all the sex occurring in the community. While he is complaining, everybody seems to contract a venereal disease. Clearly, people need to see this type of activity so they know "not to do that."
About Independent Pictures and the Ohio Independent Film Festival:
What started out as the Off-Hollywood Flick Fest accepted its first film submissions in 1992 and held its first screenings in 1993 in a small storefront in Tremont. While the name eventually changed to the Ohio Independent Film Festival, twenty years later the submission process remains the same: all films selected for screening at the OIFF are submitted by filmmakers. Independent Pictures is also the proud parent of the Ohio Independent Screenplay Contest, the Film Production Training Program, the Director of Photography Workshop, Fiscal Agent Sponsorship Program and more. The mission of Independent Pictures supports emerging and independent filmmakers by giving a voice to those that might not otherwise be heard.
Independent Pictures and the Ohio Independent Film Festival are funded in part by a grant from Cuyahoga Arts and Culture and by Community Shares, a workplace giving organization that supports social justice issues. For information on the Ohio Independent Film Festival, please contact Todd Kwait at 216-496-7048.
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