Review by Bob Ignizio
When criticized for the graphic depiction of the horrors of
slavery in his film DJANGO UNCHAINED, Quentin Tarantino
defended himself by saying (among other things – read
more here if you like), “"When slave
narratives are done on film, they tend to be historical with a
capital H, with an arms-length quality to them. I wanted to break
that history-under-glass aspect, I wanted to throw a rock through
that glass and shatter it for all times, and take you into it.” He
has a point, and while one can argue whether it's appropriate to take
that approach in a film that is, first and foremost, meant as a
cathartic work of entertainment like DJANGO
was, there's no denying that it made an impact and got people
talking. This year director Steve McQueen offers his take on the
subject with 12 YEARS A SLAVE,
a more sober and thoughtful film than Tarantino's that nonetheless
offers more than its share of violence and brutality.
12 YEARS A SLAVE is based
on the autobiography of Solomun Northrup (played in the film by
Chiwetel Ejiofor), a free man who was kidnapped and sold into slavery
in 1841 before eventually regaining his freedom a dozen years later.
Solomun is at first sold to a reasonably decent plantation owner
named William Ford (Benedict Cumberbatch). Ford may feel some degree
of empathy for his slaves, but he's still a long way from seeing them
as equals. Still, he does try to show Solomun, now rechristened as
“Platt”, some kindness. However those acts of kindness only
infuriate Ford's overseer Tibeats (Paul Dano), who sets about making
Solomun/Platt's life on the plantation as miserable as he can.
Ultimately Tibeats becomes so incensed with Platt that he tries to
kill the man, leaving Ford no alternative but to sell Platt to
another plantation.
Life on the Ford plantation is
like an idyllic interlude compared to the way things are under
Platt's new master, Edwin Epps (Michael Fassbender). It is on the
Epps plantation that Platt meets Patsey (Lupita Nyong'o), the best
field hand there by far. She is also forced to submit sexually to
Epps, which in turn earns her further abuse at the hands of Epps'
wife Mary (Sarah Paulson). Platt suffers considerably on the
plantation as well, not just physically from the harsh work
conditions and occasional brutal beatings, but psychologically from
the day to day horrors he has to witness, and is at times even asked
to perform.
And yet for all the horror we
witness, McQueen's arthouse visual sensibility has a tendency to
distance one from the material. Perhaps not to the point of trying to
repair Tarantino's broken glass, but he at least seems inclined to
sweep up the shards. Nor does the all too typical score by Hans
Zimmer, complete with a modified but still very recognizable version
of his trademark “INCEPTION
horns”, help. What ultimately saves 12 YEARS A SLAVE
from being yet another “at arms length” slavery film is the
inherent power of John Ridley's screenplay, and of course the source
material itself.
And then there are the
performances, which keep the audience emotionally connected even when
McQueen's direction feels detached. Ejiofor has an acting style I
could best describe as effortless. You never see this guy acting; he
just becomes his role. I've been a big fan of his ever since I saw
him play the lead role in the David Mamet sleeper REDBELT.
Other than that he's mostly had supporting roles in a wide range of
films both big and small, but with the work he does here I'd be
surprised if he doesn't start getting more high profile lead roles.
Fassbender is excellent, too, conveying a sort of casual, clueless
evil that has convinced itself of its righteousness. There are few if
any redeeming qualities to his Epps, and yet he never comes across as
a one dimensional cartoon villain. About the only misstep is the
casting of Brad Pitt in a small but pivotal role. It's not so much
that he's bad as it is he's so obviously Brad Pitt in a movie in
which none of the other actors, be they known or not, call attention
to themselves.
To be sure, there's very little
in this film that would qualify as “entertaining” unless you're a
sadistic racist, but that's as it should be. Just as with a film like
YEARS A SLAVE brings a dark
chapter of history to life in a very visceral, emotional way.
may well confront the audience more aggressively with just how dark a
chapter it was, but given that it's in the context of an
action/revenge exploitation movie it doesn't exactly qualify as a
reliable history lesson. 12 YEARS A SLAVE
may take a step or two back, but it still gives its audience a more
reality based look at plantation life that is still for the most part
unvarnished, and also shows just how perilous it was to be a even a
free black man during the slave era. 3 1/2 out of 4 stars.
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