[THE MILL AND THE CROSS screens Friday December 2nd at 9:30 pm, Saturday December 3rd at 7:20 pm, and Sunday December 4th at 8:15 pm at the Cleveland Cinematheque.]
Review by Bob Ignizio
These days it seems just about anything can be adapted into a film. Books and plays are the most common, but we've had movies based on comic books, video games, songs, old tv shows, even board games. One thing you don't see adapted into film that often, though, are paintings. The only example I can think of is GIRL WITH THE PEARL EARRING. Well now there's another: writer/director Lech Majewski's THE MILL AND THE CROSS, which brings to life the 1564 painting The Way to Cavalry by Pieter Bruegel the Elder as interpreted in an essay by art critic Michael Francis Gibson. No jokes about watching paint dry, please.
Bruegel's original painting is an incredibly detailed depiction of Jesus carrying the cross updated to what was, for the artist, contemporary times. The context has also been changed, with the Christ figure now a Flemish peasant being executed by the Spanish army, who ruled over the area at the time. So in addition to the religious aspect, there's also some political subtext going on here. Speaking as Bruegel, Rutger Hauer explains that his Christ figure is almost hidden amidst the literally hundreds of figures populating the painting, representing how the original crucifixion and Jesus himself were paid little attention to at the time. Nonetheless, this figure forms the center of everything else that surrounds it, the other aspects of the painting radiating out from it like a spider's web.
Aside from Hauer, the only other speaking roles are essayed by Michael York as a nobleman who serves to comment on the politics of the time (and the painting), and Charlotte Rampling as the painting's Virgin Mary who serves to comment on the religious aspects. These three each have a handful of short monologues (and in the case of York and Hauer, a couple dialogues) scattered throughout the film. Otherwise, we simply watch as various characters and situations from the painting are turned into short vignettes.
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